Wow Root Cover Up

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€31.90 EUR


Cover greys and dark roots, refresh highlights, and thicken & perfect thinning hairlines.

Color Wow Root Cover Up not only covers the growth of gray hair, it is also the only product that makes dark roots look blonde - without actually bleaching them Root Cover Up mineral powder has many different pigments in every shade that makes them blend in with most hair colors. It's impossible to tell if you have something to cover your outgrowth. It contains light-reflecting particles so that the revamped outgrowth shines just like your own hair. •

Groundbreaking formula.

• Unique mineral powder hides unattractive outgrowth. gt;• All multidimensional shades cover all-gray hair. • Blonde shades also cover and brighten the dark outgrowth of blonde and looped hair without hydrogen peroxide, which has never been achieved before. • Powder brushed on sticks directly to the hair without being sticky or sticky. • Creates natural, faceted shine. • Water resistant; lasts until the next wash. • Waxless formula without oxidative colour is ideal for use by pregnant women.

Use on dry hair.

Apply Root Cover Up with the smaller end of the brush. Use one hand to flatten your hair and tighten it against your head. Pick up plenty of product on the brush. Press/press the brush firmly down towards the roots, starting from the scalp and working outwards. Squeeze the brush - do not use a sweeping, brushing motion. Apply more powder as needed. To pull out loops use the side edge of the smaller brush. To remove excess powder, use a wide portion of the brush.